
The Mystery of the Trinity: A Trinitarian Approach to the Attributes of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Starting with the doctrine of the Trinity, Vern Poythress addresses six challenges concerning the compatibility of God’s independence with his activities in the world. The eternal activities among the persons of the Trinity offer a foundation for God’s activities in the world. Alternative metaphysical frameworks for explaining God’s transcendence and immanence run the danger of overriding the...

We will also consider other responses to the six challenges, involving appeal to analogies and multiple perspectives. Responding to the challenges will take some time. But to indicate the direction that we are going, it may be useful at the beginning to summarize the responses to each of the six challenges in turn. (1) How can God be independent and yet have relations to the world and things in the world? The doctrine of the Trinity says that God is one God and also is three
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